Balancing Your Energies: A Guided Meditation to Enhance Your Personal Energy by Linda Bennett (CD-ROM)
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Balancing Your Energies is a guided meditation designed to balance your chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheels, and is often depicted in pictures and charts as the sun with its rays, or a wheel with spokes. Aligned with the Holistic approach to wellness, Chakra balancing address both the body and spirit. At one level, clearing the chakras heals the physical body by releasing stored blocks accumulated through a lifetime of traumas and negative experiences. Once these blocks are gone, the body can return to its original natural state of perfect health, and the results will be readily noticed. At another level, healthy chakras allow the flow of pure energy to move freely from the lower to the higher chakras, and the natural state of abundance, prosperity and joy can be realized. There are many energy centers in and around the body. The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane. Listening to this meditation often will enhance well-being and create greater harmony and balance energies. Click on the preview below for a sample of this guided meditation.
Please be advised that guided imagery should NOT, under any circumstances; be used while driving a vehicle, operating equipment that requires attention and concentration, or at any time you need to be alert and focused on the task at hand.